“but I already see my provider every 4 weeks… why do I have to see them for this separate exam.”

This is a common question asked among our patients and their families, so we wanted to address why an Annual Wellness Exam is not only important to your future health, but also is expected by Medicare and Insurance companies.

  • Unlike a routine follow up visit, an annual wellness exam does not focus only on problem areas with patients. Annual wellness is looking at areas of health that may be over looked or ignored because the patient has other over whelming medical concerns.
  • Wellness Visits focus on prevention, health education, and screenings.
  • Screening and testing for other potential problems: prostate health, breast health, emotional health, bone health, vitamin and mineral levels and absorption, nerve health, skin health, vision, hearing, and many other often overlooked areas of the patient’s body.
  • When patients have several chronic conditions, preventing other conditions from developing are critical to maintaining quality of life.
  • Wellness visits should focus on insuring the patient has a better quality of life.

If you have not had your annual wellness visit in 2020, call our office today to get your wellness visit scheduled.